Rules & Regulation.pdf



1.   Trainees represent the institution and its values. So, their behaviour at all times shall be such that it brings credit to the institution and are bound to obey the code of conduct laid down by the institution

2.    Trainees shall be polite and decent in their words and deeds and shall preserve order and decorum. They must be courteous both inside the campus as also outside. 

3.    Trainees must take pride in keeping the institute and its environs clean and beautiful. They should develop sense of ownership.

4.    No mass petitions can be presented to the Principal.

5.    Every trainee shall attend classes regularly. 

6.    Trainees shall always behave with dignity and courtesy to all.

7.    Trainees causing damage to institutional property must pay the cost of damage. 

8.    No trainees shall leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the teacher has left the classroom. Trainees coming late shall enter the class only with the permission of the teacher. 

9.    No meeting or event, collection of money shall be organized in the name of institution without the permission of the Principal and no comment should be made about the institution on social media.

10.  Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual shirking of class work, obscenity of any sort are sufficient grounds for the suspension or the dismissal of a student from the institution. 

11.  Smoking and using or keeping alcoholic drinks or drugs are strictly forbidden in the
 Institution campus. Trainees coming to the institution indulging in intoxicants of any kind will not be tolerated and can result in suspension or expulsion of the trainee.

12.  No trainees shall indulge in any activity which may cause disruption to classes or
 disturbances in the institute campus. If any student violates the above regulation, he/she is liable to be dismissed from the institution summarily.

13.  Political activism is strictly banned in the campus.

14.  Ragging, teasing, intimidating, harassing, using words of abuse etc. within the campus or outside is a punishable crime. Students involved in such acts will be adequately punished. 


1.    Cell phones may be used outside the regular class hours only.

2.    Any misuse of Cell Phone will lead to a fine of Rs. 500/-, such phones will be confiscated and will be returned only after the end of the academic year. (Institution will not be responsible for any damage caused to the phone while in custody).

3.    Cell phones can be used inside the classrooms if specifically permitted by a teacher for the hour of academic purposes. 

4.    Any violation of norms will be appropriately punished.


1.    Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period.

2.   Trainees absent on the opening/re-opening week led to struck of his/her name from the register.

3.    Habitual late comers will be marked negatively. The class teacher may at his/her discretion mark present/absent a trainee coming late.

4.    A trainee requiring leave for a longer period (at least 3 days) shall make an application in the prescribed form and submit it to the Discipline in-charge. 

5.   If absence is due to illness, the application shall be supported by a medical certificate issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner. 

6.    A trainee absents without leave application for five (5) consecutive days stands the risk of his name being struck off the rolls. 

7.    The submission of leave application does not entitle the student to earn attendance for the days of absence.

8.    Trainees must possess a minimum of at least 80% of the total number of working days for each Semester Examination. 


1.    Trainees must bring ID Card to borrow books from library.

2.   Personal belonging like Bags, Umbrella, Mobile phone, etc. are not allowed in the library and laboratories.

3.    Strict discipline and silence should be observed in the library and laboratories. 

4.   Library books should be returned on the due date and late fine of Rs. 10/- per day will apply after expiry of due date.

5.    A trainee is required to be careful and responsible in handling the books from the library and apparatus/computer of the laboratory.

6.    Marking, underlining, writing or damaging pages of the books are strictly prohibited.

7.    Any books or laboratory apparatus or computer components are not allowed to taken out without the prior permission of the librarian and lecturer in-charges.

8.    Encyclopedia and reference books are not allowed to be taken out of library.

9.    Trainees should bring to the notice of the librarian or the laboratory in-charge, damage if any, caused to the books or apparatus or component issued to him/her at the time of issue.

10. If the materials issued to the trainee, while being returned, is found to have been damaged/lost, he/she will be required to pay the full cost of the item in cash/kind within 15 days of the detection. He/she will not be issued any other material till the amount is paid.

11.  Trainees should obtain a clearance certificate from the librarian before the first day of Semester examination. Otherwise, his/her Admit card be withhold. 


1.    Trainees must carry their identity card every day.

2.   Trainees must wear the correct full uniform in the institute. Uniform must be neatly cleaned and ironed.

3.    Nails must be kept clean and short. Male trainees must maintain their hair trim and neat.

4.    Trainees are not allowed to colour hair, colourful face make up, wear nail polish, tattoo or any henna design. 

5.   Trainees are not permitted to wear costly or fancy watches, chains, earrings, etc. Fancy hairstyles are not allowed.

6.    Belt should be black colour and only normal buckle is permitted.

7.   Uniform T-Shirt should be worn every Wednesday and Friday., and Uniform Jogger pants should be worn only on Friday.

8.    Trainees are not allowed to come with slippers, shorts or sports jacket/trousers other than uniform.

9.    Trainees should inform Discipline in-charge if he/she is not able to wear uniform.

10.  Failure to comply may result in fine or decision made by Discipline in-charge. It will be confiscated and will be returned only after the end of the semester.